After over a dozen years of market success of the TEAM DRAGON reels it’s time for a change. The second generation of this series is a completely new innovative project, designed from the beginning by Dragon Pro staff and made by one of the top Japanese reel manufacturers. The Team Dragon Reels was born. 2 Year Warranty
- Duraluminum body and rotor
- 9 stainless steel ball bearings
- Infinitive Anti-Reverse roller bearing
- Vshape duraluminium spool
- HEG-class main gear, machine-cut, ultra-light and super-smooth rotation
- Titanium oversized line roller with anti-twist function
- Tubular superhard bail
- Long-life bail spring
- Stainless steel main shaft and main gear shaft
- Duraluminium machine-cut handle
- Rotor Super Balance System
- Multidisc front drag with micro adjustment, waterproof
- Ergonomic handle knob, made of hard EVA.